Medicare Supplemental Coverage
Get Quotes for Medicare Supplements Today
Medicare has evolved over the years to give senior citizens better health insurance coverage at affordable prices. Medicare is not the traditional coverage your parents enjoyed, and the refinements are not always easy to understand. People get mystified over Medicare Supplemental plans. What is a Medicare Supplemental policy? What is this all about?
What is Medicare Supplemental Coverage?

Medicare coverage will only cover your expenses so far, supplemental coverage is for the costs that will be passed onto you.
Medicare Supplemental plans are also known as Medigap. Medigap is what covers expenses outside of Medicare part A(hospital insurance) and B(medical insurance). The plans are intended to help you pay for those costs that you would ordinarily cover yourself that Medicare Part A and Part B do not cover. This includes outpatient drugs. When you enroll in medicare, you will do so through your social security office and you will enroll in both Medicare part A and Medicare part B.
Medicare part A will cover expenses including hospitalization coverage, post-hospital skilled nursing, physical therapy, home health care, hospice, palliative care, DME(scooters, wheelchairs, at home hospital beds, patient lifts), counseling, social services, etc.
Medicare part B will cover your doctor visits, flu shots, mammograms, lab testing, ambulance rides, and many preventative care services. Part B also includes drugs administered in a clinical setting like insulin and osteoporosis injections. Outpatient drugs fall under Medicare Part D, which you need to enroll in following your enrollment to Part A and Part B. It is important to note that you MUST enroll in Part A and Part B before you can enroll in part D.
It is worth noting that you must enroll in Part A and Part B must be enrolled in within the Initial Enrollment Period(IEP) once you become eligible turning 65. If you enroll after your IEP, then you will pay significant late enrollment penalties unless you have creditable medical coverage through your employer. The late enrollment penalty
How much is Medicare Supplement?

Medicare supplement plans are able to be purchased in addition to your part A and B coverage.
Medicare is provided at once you turn 65 or are eligible due to a disability. Medicare operates similarly to any other health insurance plan, you have co-pays and deductibles and there is a coverage limit to medicare part A and B. This is where Medigap coverage can be useful. Once you enroll in part A and B through your social security office, you can then purchase Medicare supplemental and advantage plans. These plans will cover additional expenses that are not covered under your part A and B plan. Medicare may be government based, but you as the Medicare participant are required to pay some of the cost. Medicare parts A and B will only pay for a certain amount of expenses and you will be called on to cover, deductibles, and any coinsurance. The additional out-of-pocket expenses can add up to a considerable fee so ‘Medigap’ is available additionally for this reason.
Medicare Supplemental plans are also known as Medigap. The plans are intended to help you pay for those costs that you would ordinarily cover yourself for the cost that you must assume. You are given considerable flexibility and can choose the Medicare Supplemental plan that best suits your needs. That is both good and bad news for any consumer. The Medicare Supplemental insurance cost you bear rests on your decision.
The cost of medicare supplemental coverage varies by which supplemental coverage plan best fits your needs. Get help in finding the right supplemental plan for your needs today through our online quoting technology.
Medicare Supplement Options

There are many options for medicare supplements
You are the best judge of what you need for Medigap’s help. The program has several plan options.
- Medicare Plan C: Medicare plan C is a policy which covers almost all of the Medicare gaps that you would usually be required to pay. It is especially popular in states that do not allow excess charges except Part B excess charges. The only people eligible to apply for Plan C are those eligible for Medicare before Jan 1.
- Medicare Plan D: Medicare plan D is one of the ten options for Medigap you can purchase to supplement your Medicare benefits. Keep in mind that Medicare Part D(prescription drugs) is not the same as Plan D
- Medicare Part D: Medicare part D is a federal program administered through private insurance companies. Part D is for retail prescription drug coverage to Medicare beneficiaries that helps pay for additional prescription drug expenses that would be out-of-pocket.
- Medicare Plan F: Medicare Plan F is the most popular medigap coverage plan because it covers all of the gaps in your medicare part A and part B including both hospital and outpatient deductibles.
- Medicare Plan G: Medicare Plan G helps pay for inpatient hospital costs like skilled nursing and hospice, but also outpatient medical services like lab work, diabetes supplies, x-rays, and DME excess of what your part B covers.
- Medicare Plan K: Medicare Plan K offers the same basic benefits as other supplements, but Plan K has lower premiums. Medicare Plan K is a cost-sharing medigap policy. It is most used when you meet your out-of-pocket max in a year and still need medical treatments.
- Medicare Plan L: Medicare Plan L is a medigap policy that offers slightly lower premiums than Plan F and will cover 75% of most covered medical expenses and you pay the remaining 25%. Your medicare plan B will cover 80% of your medical expense and you will pay the remaining 20% once you meet your deductible, but with Plan L you will only pay 25% of the remaining 20% that is not covered.
You can see there are many options to consider and many differences. It is best to consult a licensed medicare agent to inquire about your specific needs and which medicare plans may be best for you. You can quote all of the above medicare plans through our network of top-rated, licensed medicare agents.
How to Find the Right Medicare Supplement Plan

Determining which medicare supplement plan is right for you can be confusing.
Making choices are not easy for someone who is not familiar with Medicare Supplemental plans. Matters are made worse by the amount of advertising and direct marketing. Those who are newly eligible, which is anyone over age 65 and is enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, can expect to deal with hard-sell marketing. Being able to compare the various Supplemental plans is good, but there needs to be more help and that is why we are here. Our goal is to help find and understand medicare supplement plans so you can rest assured that you have the coverage you need.
We are here to help you make the right choice. We have worked with many people and helping them find the right Medicare Supplemental insurance policy. We can answer your questions, show you the ins and outs of the Supplemental plans, and let you know what the costs are going to be.